正在播放:托马斯和他的朋友们 第一季 - 共26集
- 1.在线视频 (支持手机)
- 039; Christmas Party
- 第27集
- 25 Down the Mine
- 24 Off the Rails
- 23 Dirty Objects
- 22 Thomas in Trouble
- 21 Toby and the Stout Gentleman
- 20 Whistles and Sneezes
- 19 The Flying Kipper
- 18 Coal
- 17 Percy Runs Away
- 16 Trouble in the Shed
- 15 Tenders and Turntables
- 14 Thomas and Bertie
- 13 Thomas Terence and the Snow
- 12 Thomas Goes Fishing
- 11 Thomas and the Guard
- 10 James and the Express
- 09 Troublesome Trucks
- 08 James and the Coaches
- 07 Thomas and the Breakdown Train
- 06 Thomas and the Trucks
- 039; Train
- 第5集
- 04 Edward Gordon and Henry
- 03 The Sad Story of Henry
- 02 Edward and Gordon
- 01 Thomas and Gordon
- 影片介绍(觉得好看请多多宣传,谢谢)
这是一部很有教育意义的动画片。片头的话是 “多多岛被漂亮的蔚蓝大海包围,岛上有绿油油的。田地和金色的沙滩,小鸟在树上歌唱。岛上有风车和一座煤矿,还有小河、溪流、迎接游客到岛上观光的码头,还有很多很多的火车路线。刚刚是谁经过这条铁轨呢?是托马斯。 你好,托马斯!嗨,大家好!欢迎光临多多岛!”